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Free delivery on orders over £30 in the UK
Free delivery on orders over £30 in the UK


Questions about delivery and tracking your order

Where is my order?
We expect all UK deliveries to arrive within 1-2 working days as we use Royal Mail 1st class post as standard. If you haven't received your order please contact us by email at and we will look into it for you.

Is my order tracked?

Our standard Royal Mail 1st class delivery service is not tracked but is scanned on delivery for proof of delivery. Our Royal Mail special delivery option is fully tracked.

We also offer a Royal Mail 1st class tracked service for £1 extra.



Questions about using our products

How do I inflate latex balloons?

How do I inflate foil balloons?

Do I need helium?
Our latex and foil balloons can be blown up with air or filled with helium if you prefer.